One of the main requirements of a Dermatician and a Dermapath is the ability to accurately analyze the skin. The world of skin care treatment products has advanced far beyond the “The Five Basic Skin Types: Dry, Oily, Aging, Acneic, & Combination, (T-Zone)” days. If you cannot accurately analyze the skin, you cannot properly treat it.
If, on the other hand, you can analyze the skin but do not have the proper products to work with, the desired results from your treatments will be seriously compromised. Knowledge, experience, and high quality products work hand-in-hand to achieve the most important result – A very happy client!
In order to properly & accurately analyze the skin there are a few things we should go over LIKE SNOWFLAKES, EVERY INDIVIDUAL SKIN IS UNIQUE UNTO ITSELF AND IS IN A CONSTANT STATE OF CHANGE
It is one day older every day. It is constantly bombarded with outside pollutants such as the elements, radiation, toxic waste, low quality and/or synthetic based skin & body care products, soap, chemicals in the water & air, A.H.A’s, Glycolic, and Retinols. It is constantly being subjected to internal pollutants such as food preservatives & coloring, coffee, sugar, smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.Stress, illness, disease, injury, lack of proper sleep, improper and/or inadequate nourishment. It has different thickness & textures. It has different colors. Poor blood circulation, poor nutrition, free radicals & inadequate oxygen have a devastating aging & degenerating effect on the skin. Poor quality drinking water is also having a devastating effect on our health, body & skin.
In order to treat the skin to professional standards and achieve the desired results you must be able to analyze and recognize the effects produced by the above factors in each individual’s skin. To make this process easier, Zanqara has categorized the skin into 14 different SKIN ANALYSIS TYPES.
We know it can be very difficult to choose a product for your skin type and that is why Zanqara has categorized all the possible skin types and made specialized formulas for each one of those types, because each person is unique and your skin care routine should be specialized with that in mind.
We pride ourselves to be a company that walks with you step by step to overcome your skin problems and achieve a new you - to achieve a new confidence that beauty no longer has to be only skin deep and we are happy to answer any questions you may have when it comes to choosing the right line for you.
You can reach a Zanqara Representative by phone, text support or by email.
705-888-5032 info@zanqara.com